Invest In Your Health
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Mental Health is covered quite extensively on our Gain Perspective page and building strong, healthy relationships and boundaries is dealt with on our Make Connections page.
It is abundantly clear that taking care of our physical health is not just important for longevity, but also for our general wellbeing and helping us cope with the stressors of life.
A healthy lifestyle goes a long way to boosting our energy levels, elevating our self-esteem and making us more adept at handling high-pressure situations.
In fact, we don’t have to look much further than those times we have been in poor health to realise just how important being healthy actually is regarding our ability to function in life at all.
It is so easy to overlook and neglect our health as we go about our daily existence that it is the intention of TPS (and this page in particular) to not only lay down the law on health in general, but also provide the necessary insight into how health (both good and bad) impacts every facet of our being and why it is essential that we make optimal health our top priority.
Whether it’s the McPlastic burger designed to outlive our bionic great-grandchildren or igniting chemical-infused twigs and inhaling the fumes that follow or proudly sacrificing sleep and good hygiene in our delusional race to the illusional “top” or our penchant for the sedentary coma synonymous with modern society, there is no shortage of what we wouldn’t do and no limit to how far we are willing to go to destroy ourselves.
In spite of all the medical advances that allow us to live well past our expiration dates, at the end of the day, there is no pill, procedure or panacea that can save us from the repercussions of leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
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Like fuel is to a car, so good nutrition is to us.
We need to be very intentional with what we consume in order to function properly.
When we fill our bodies with good, healthy and wholesome nutrients, the positive effects on our energy-levels, mental clarity and overall wellbeing are profound.
Yet who amongst us hasn’t, without a second thought or hesitation, consumed something – anything – the ingredients of which one would not be able to recall with any degree of confidence and without any reasonable doubt?
In other words, how often do we consume things even though we don’t even know what has really gone into them?
Even the best of us has, at one point or another, succumbed to the delicious temptation of a delectable toxic treat, much to our tastebud’s delight and our ultimate shameful regret.
Sometimes we ingest so much disgusting crap, we can’t even put our finger on why we feel like such utter shit.
Or we do know, yet the fucks we are willing to give are far outweighed by our desperate desire to satisfy multiple momentary cravings, every hour on the hour.
Nevertheless, the irony escapes us that, although we are extremely careful to fill our cars with the right kind of fuel, we fail to treat ourselves with the same levels of love and respect and are more than happy to put any old garbage into our bodies. #YOLO
If only the consequences were as immediate and dire, maybe then we would sit up and take note.
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So, if nutrition is to us what fuel is to a car, then fitness is to us what driving is to a car.
A car is meant to be driven; the components of which were designed to be used and moved to keep everything lubricated and functional (perhaps this metaphor is falling apart, but just go with it).
We are also meant to keep moving; we were not designed for this sedentary existence.
Most of us atrophy, along with our bodies and our muscles, as we fuse with the furniture in our office or our homes (I, myself, am guilty as charged).
A vital component of being ‘health-conscious’, getting active and staying in shape will exponentially improve our quality of life.
Regular exercise is also guaranteed to kickstart our confidence, reduce anxiety and depression as well as fight off fatigue and brain-fog.
We should also take care not to overburden our bodies, do whatever we can to mitigate injury and get enough rest to recover from the exertion; much like we need to maintain and repair our cars from time to time and not take it to the red-line every chance we get.
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Another important aspect of health, which seems to be a major talking point at the moment (and for good reason, too), is sleep.
I think for far too long we have vastly underestimated the importance of sleep on our overall health and wellbeing.
In fact, for as long as memory serves, it feels as though we have been indoctrinated into the general sentiment that we ought to forgo our rest in pursuit of more important endeavours (such as to pull an ‘all-nighter’ for our studies or burn the midnight oil to satisfy the unreasonable demands of an employer or client).
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead”, you’ll hear them cry as they do inefficiently that which would yield far more favorable results if they just did it well-rested.
This is an area that is going to require significant intentional practice, but once we have our sleep down pat, all other aspects of our life will drastically improve.
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An often overlooked, forgotten or discounted aspect of our health, cleanliness is a crucial component in staving off illness (I.e. – keeping us healthy), improving our wellbeing (i.e. – our clarity of thought, mood and general happiness) as well as influencing our self-esteem (i.e. – how we feel about ourselves generally and how confident we are in social situations).
Hygiene is the least sexy of the health-related topics discussed above, but it is one of those things that, when neglected, can have drastic repercussions.
It is essential that we develop, integrate and automate good habits when it comes to, amongst other things, general cleanliness, oral hygiene and proper grooming.
In terms of feeling great about ourselves, being able to keep up with the demands of life and sustain a more stable, positive mood on any given day, nothing on earth beats the benefits of good nutrition, physical activity, getting some shuteye and treating our body with the respect it deserves.
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