About Us
what we do
What is The Public Server, exactly?
From the very beginning, our overarching goal has always been to help individuals struggling with authenticity, afraid that other people will react negatively towards them, for whatever reason, live a more honest life.
Essentially, The Public Server believes that those, whose lives and decision-making are predominantly predicated on first considering other people before moving forward, are either severely limiting, or outright destroying, their confidence levels, their ability to show up authentically, their happiness & joy, their success & vitality, their mental-health & wellbeing as well as their inner-peace & sanity.

We want to place YOU in the best possible position to take action towards your dreams and goals. We want YOU to strive towards being the best version of yourself, live as the authentic person you’ve hidden away from the world all this time, do that which brings you the most freedom and joy, discover levels of vibrancy and confidence you never knew you had and eventually become your ideal future self; the person you’ve always wanted to, but thought you weren’t allowed or believed you could never, be!
This journey – one we have, ourselves, taken – will require that we question everything we think we know about everything we currently believe, overwrite our current narrative built upon limiting beliefs and the unreasonable demands of society (a story we told ourselves and baggage we carried with us from childhood into our later years) together with the fact that nobody really knows what they’re doing (we’re all doing the best we can with the resources we have). We would be far better off focussing on ourselves rather than let the perceived thoughts, negative opinions and toxic behaviour of others be an obstacle in our path.
This is the one life we absolutely know we’re going to get, so we suggest you get busy living before it’s too late!

We will never be able to achieve excellence in our lives if we are constantly worrying about our family, friends & peers or trying to appeal to, please and be liked by everyone, everywhere, at all times.
It is our mission here, at The Public Server, to create content that educates, informs, motivates, entertains, inspires and, ABOVE ALL ELSE, stimulates one to take action in their lives, rather than sit on the sidelines, a supporting character in their own story.

Gain Perspective
Step 1. Collect as much information as possible to ensure that you are adequately prepared for the journey ahead. Half the battle is in the knowing…
Get Active
Step 2. Take care of your nutrition, hygiene, sleep, strength and fitness. A healthy lifestyle is optimal for accelerating your positive transformation.
Make Connections
Step 3.1 Conduct an audit of your relationships. Are they hurting or helping you? Be brutal and get rid of ALL the toxic negativity… 3.2 this is a crucial step that involves surrounding yourself with only those that are supportive of you and your journey, but will also always be honest, upfront and authentic with you.
Break Free
Step 4. Finally, take action towards your dreams, goals and ideal future self. Only take this step once you have all the information and are adequately prepared to make significant changes in your life. This step is completed when you’ve broken free of your reliance on other people and have transformed into the person you’ve always wanted to be (note: perfection is not the goal here).
Just Getting Started
Confidence Kickstarter eCourse
Sign up to get access to our exclusive 5-day email course on kickstarting confidence for beginners. We’ll be taking you through the exact steps you need to follow in order to get out of your self-esteem rut and start enjoying life with newfound levels of energy and fibrancy.
The Public Server is about introverts, especially those who wish to avoid conflict, confrontation and humiliation so much, they are willing to sacrifice their own interests to do so.
The Public Server is about atheists & sceptics, especially those who have been vilified for not believing in the supernatural (on faith alone), bullied into justifying their disbelief or even ostracised by their friends, family and community because of it.
The Public Server is about LGBTQ, especially those who have kept themselves hidden out of fear that being themselves is wrong and have spent countless hours in desperate, futile attempts to be something they’re not… something more acceptable to society.
The Public Server is about vegans, especially those who are expected to defend this moral position, those who are bullied into staying silent as their loved ones and people around them perpetuate the abuse to which they are desperately trying to bring awareness and defeat.
My Story
Meet Bradley, Life Coach
I am an attorney by formal training, but my passion for helping people who battle with issues similar to my own (such as people-pleasing, low self-esteem and social anxiety, amongst others) motivated me to pivot into the personal development sphere. Thus, The Public Server was born! In building this brand, I have discovered an abundance of tools, techniques and resources designed to unleash one's ideal future self and help them live life without the unnecessary constraints they've allowed to dictate what they say and do. Through my personal journey, I am confident you will be able to find success, joy, and peace as you make your way through life. It is never too late to evolve into the person you always envisioned you would be. Just get started.
My Approach
The Way I See It:
most (if not all) of our problems stem from our dysfunctional relationship with those around us - a need to be liked, avoid conflict, prevent confrontation and escape humiliation. My approach attempts to chip away at this; our desperate desire to please other people - caring so much about what they think of us - and our unwillingness to face our greatest fears (such as public humiliation, being assertive and saying 'no', amongst other things).
We Are You!
We've been where you are now, and, in many ways, we are still working on our ideal selves every day. We hope that The Public Server will become the community you turn to for a helping hand when things get overwhelming. We would love to learn and grow with you through our shared experiences and an accumulation of information.
Stick around because we're just getting started.
Take it easy 😉
Love, The TPS Team
Brad (and the team at The Public Server) really helped me put my problems in perspective. I have always been terrified of social situations, but within a few weeks of working with them and following their ‘Just Getting Started’ eCourse, I began confronting my fears and now human interaction is no longer the source of stress and anxiety it used to be. I’m extremely grateful for their wisdom and guidance.
Get Coaching!
Let us work together to come up with a gameplan that best suits your needs
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(061) 519-7531
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Latest posts by Bradley Dorfan (see all)
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- How I Empower My Blog Deploying The Indomitable Marketing Calendar By CoSchedule - January 6, 2022
- A (Moral) Philosophy to End Them All - August 6, 2021