The Public Server

Gain Perspective

Gain Perspective

When it comes to personal development, it’s important to be able to take a step back from your personal circumstances and take a look at things from a different angle. That’s where The Public Server comes in. We’re here to provide you with that much needed perspective when you feel like there’s no way out.

Setting the Foundations

Crucial to setting the foundations of a future we create and to becoming the master of our own destiny; gaining perspective is the act of making an intentional, conscious effort to reform our thoughts, opinions, values and beliefs and then align our dreams, goals and desires accordingly, as well as equip ourselves with enough inspiration, motivation, insight, strength, courage and resources to be able to pursue our purpose with passion, persistence and power, obtain peak levels of performance, reclaim our personal autonomy and, ultimately, break free from a mediocre life lived on other people’s terms.

The Status Quo

Ingrained; shaped by society, our parents and our peers, we hold thoughts, opinions, values and beliefs that are not entirely our own. Theories, ideas and claims that have been built on flimsy evidence, false facts and half-truths, viewed through the fractured prism of a predetermined reality. When it comes to true fulfillment in life, we have been force-fed a lie, mislead even, but, for the most part, the whole idea of it is something that has been avoided almost entirely. Our lives have been corrupted by a jaded traditional philosophy while the unconventional gets ignored, criticized or taken down altogether. Somewhere along the line we forgot that we possess free will, because for far too long we have let the one-dimensional characters in our lives dictate, not only that we live in a box, but also the type of box we get.

The Unconsciously Lived Life

Going through the motions, we accept everything at face value. We fail to question the reality of our day-to-day lives. We refuse to acknowledge that the quality of our circumstances, our emotions and our general well-being is invariably tied to the decisions we make. We neglect to appreciate that our non-decisions are really just choices made on our behalf, for the benefit of other people, usually to our detriment. We are blissfully ignorant of the fact that our freedom is the real opportunity cost of favouring the path of least resistance and taking the pleasures of a comfortable life now over the pain required to deserve an altogether great one.

Questions Are The Answers

Blinded by our own ignorance and content with the agonizing comfort of our present circumstances, we fail to ask ourselves whether what we have been led to believe all these years, what we have accepted as the unquestionable truth all along, what we have been brainwashed, beaten with and bullied into since we were children, is the reality that we actually want or even whether it is one we are compelled to have. It’s established, known, normal, and how it has always been; these are the sentiments used as smoke and mirrors to keep the wheel of time turning in the direction of those who have figured out how to get other people to turn it. Go to school, get a job, sell your soul, follow a,b,c,x,y,z; we’ve given you the instructions so you know what to do. You can either question everything before agreeing to participate and reach valuable conclusions based on empirical evidence and quality research or you can just do what you’re told and take whatever you get given.

The Choice is Yours

Assuming a western, capitalistic, constitutional democracy is the starting-point of our existence, we have been blessed with both a gift and a curse. You see, the premise here is an assertion that it is equally possible for the mighty to fall as it is for the indigent to prosper, and the extreme statistical likelihood that the majority will fail to improve their station in life as they desperately cling to the safety, security and certainty inherent in mediocrity. Accept the status quo, fall in line, take your medicine, don’t ask questions, be good, be easy, be nice, be kind. What a good boy, that’s my girl. Rinse and repeat, day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year. This is our slow march towards the sweet embrace of eternal slumber. As depressing as it all sounds, treat this as your wake up call to start taking control of your life, because, if you don’t, you can rest assured there will always be somebody out there happy to do it for you. The choice is yours.

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Are You Ready to Gain Perspective?

Here are some articles to help you get started.

A (Moral) Philosophy to End Them All

A (Moral) Philosophy to End Them All

What IS morality if not FOR those who can suffer and flourish? The entire concept of ‘what is right and what is wrong’, then, requires a consideration of ‘who’ might or will be affected by another’s actions. As such, this article will argue in favour of a secular, naturalistic ethical philosophy that positions sentience at the centre of our moral concern.

Do the Easy Thing and Expect a Hard Life

Do the Easy Thing and Expect a Hard Life

There’s no escaping it – if we continue to do what we’ve always done, we cannot imagine a life significantly different to the one we already have. Plus, there are costs associated with placing a high value on comfort and avoiding the pain inherent in progress.

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"When I'm not enjoying sunsets and long walks on the beach, I spend my free time lying to people about what I enjoy doing."